rr_laz01A.wav, $, October 24th, 1863 rr_laz01b.wav, $, The horrors of battle have followed me even to this remote corner of the war. rr_laz01c.wav, $, I have been assigned to command a small group of soldiers into the woods of Central Maryland to track down a band of rebel foragers that have been raiding small farms in the area. rr_laz01d.wav, $, The troops I've been assigned seem to be good men at first glance, and God willing, I will prove a suitable officer to lead them. rr_laz01e.wav, $, I almost hope that we find the rebels gone when we arrive in the woods. I'm not sure if I have the stomach for killing men after what I saw at Gettysburg. rr_moore01.wav, Stanley_Moore, Hey Mosley, how well do you know this area, anyway? rr_mosely01.wav, Aaron_Mosely, Well enough. Why? rr_moore02.wav, Stanley_Moore, Cause' I was hoping you could tell me where a smartly dressed Union enlisted man might meet some female company. rr_mosely02.wav, Aaron_Mosely, Skunk, the only ladies a man like you is going to meet in this area are certainly smart enough to steer clear of you. rr_moore03.wav, Stanley_Moore, Maybe you're just jealous... rr_newhouse01a.wav, Will_Newhouse, Quiet! rr_newhouse01b.wav, Will_Newhouse, What's up there, Lieutenant? rr_laz02.wav, $, I'd say its a group of rebels tearing up the tracks. Spread out boys, I think we can take em'. rr_moore04.wav, Stanley_Moore, WooHoo! Looks like it's time to whup us some rebels. rr_laz03.wav, $, Keep quite, private. Take ambush positions and wait for me to begin firing. rr_moore05.wav, Stanley_Moore, Yes, sir. Yes, sir. rr_moore06.wav, Stanley_Moore, Look at that! We sure whooped 'em. rr_newhouse02.wav, Will_Newhouse, No officer here. This was just a small raiding party. The rest'll be hiding out in the woods. rr_laz04.wav, $, Yes, I think... rr_moore07.wav, Stanley_Moore, There's another one! Get him! rr_steuben01A.wav,Steuben_Face, You okay, boy? rr_steuben01B.wav,Steuben, If I didn't know better, I'd say you'd seen a ghost rr_laz05.wav, $, Who...Who are you? rr_steuben02.wav, Steuben, My name is Steuben. I was just walking by on my way into town to buy some supplies when I nearly stumbled over you. Are you all right? rr_laz06.wav, $, I think so, yes. rr_steuben03.wav, Steuben, What is your name? rr_laz07.wav, $, Lazarus. Call me Lazarus. rr_steuben04.wav, Steuben, Like the man who rose from the dead. Interesting name. So what are you doing out here by this old railroad crossing? rr_laz08.wav, $, I was on my way into the woods to search for the Weaver girl. Do you know about her? rr_steuben05A.wav, Steuben, I think everybody knows about her by now. Went missing in the woods. I ran into Parson Vance and his search party on their way into the woods to look for her. rr_steuben05B.wav, Steuben, So you're heading out there too? Well, the sun's about to set. Hope you're planning on spending the night. rr_laz09.wav, $, What do you know about the woods? rr_steuben06A.wav, Steuben, Well, for starters, I live out there. I built myself a house back past the old cemetery when I first moved to this area. rr_steuben06B.wav, Steuben, I don't like people much, and the woods are... well, they're peaceful. And most people don't have use for an old blind man. And an immigrant at that! rr_laz10.wav, $, Blind? rr_steuben07.wav, Steuben, Just like a bat, I'm afraid. But if you're heading into those woods, I'm the man to ask if you want to know anything. rr_steuben09.wav, Steuben, That sound's like the Weaver girl! Maybe you won't have to spend the night in those woods after all! rr_laz12.wav, $, Robin! Wait! RR_LAZ11o1, $, Have you run across the Weaver girl? RR_LAZ11o2, $, What can you tell me about the woods? RR_LAZ11o3, $, How can a blind man survive all alone in the woods? RR_LAZ11o4, $, An immigrant, eh? Where are you from? RR_STEUBEN08o1a.WAV, Steuben, No, not since she disappeared. She sometimes came to play out by my house, and she sure is a sweet little girl. Always brought me flowers. RR_STEUBEN08o1b.WAV, Steuben, If she comes by the house, though, you can bet I'll be sure to send her right home. RR_STEUBEN08o2a.WAV, Steuben, They say there's witches in those woods! Of course, they say a lot of things. Everybody seems to have a tale or two about those woods, and I have to confess, I do my best to... RR_STEUBEN08o2b.WAV, Steuben, add to them... Keeps unwanted trespassers away from the house. The story I hear most is that there's an old lady who lives in the woods and feeds on the little kiddies, but I've never seen her... Of course, I never see anything! RR_STEUBEN08o2c.WAV, Steuben, The scariest thing I ever heard in the woods was an old owl. Still, they say the spirits of the dead from your war between the states still walk the trees looking for something...or someone. RR_STEUBEN08o2d.WAV, Steuben, Me? I think they're just stories- but if they keep the locals from bothering me, all the better. RR_STEUBEN08o3a.WAV, Steuben, Ah! I like a man who doesn't mince words, and a good question it is. I've been blind since my mother tossed me into the world, but my lack of sight has led my other senses to make up for it. RR_STEUBEN08o3b.WAV, Steuben, I can hear things no other men can hear. I can also smell things long before they get to me. Plus I've learned other ways of dealing with life in the woods. I get along just fine. RR_STEUBEN08o4a.WAV, Steuben, I'm from Bavaria, the Black Forest to be specific. I had to leave a few years back, and I came to this place. RR_STEUBEN08o4b.WAV, Steuben, It was almost as if I was called here. But that sounds like the rantings of an old mad man, doesn't it? Response_Steuben04.wav, Steuben, That's all I have to say. Response_laz01.wav, $, The rebels are back the other way. Response_laz03.wav, $, I don't think Robin is back there. Response_laz04.wav, $, I cannot abandon my men. Response_laz07.wav, $, I'm missing something...maybe I should look around here first.